Kim Kardashians birthday cake to be covered in diamonds & worth millions

You may have assumed that Kim Kardasian has already had her 30th birthday based on the fact that she’s had at least two birthday parties already. Her birthday was in fact yesterday, but there is yet another bash planned for the weekend (which she’s booked for but denies knowing about, more on that in a moment) during which she’ll be served a record setting cake adorned with diamonds. Just yesterday Kaiser reported on the two million dollar bra that Victoria’s Secret model Adriana Lima was wearing to promote the company. I like how Kaiser explained it – that it was a business decision to earn the company more publicity than they could otherwise get with the amount it cost to make the bra. It still seemed callous and excessive in this economy. The same is true of the jeweler and baker making Kim Kardashian’s diamon- encrusted birthday cake. It’s for PR purposes but it comes across as so wasteful. It’s also a more frivolous symbol than a bra, although hopefully the diamonds will be reused and no one will be sifting through the Kardashian’s plumbing system trying to retrieve them all.

The best part of this story is the fact that the diamond cake was supposed to be a big surprise for Kim, but Radar blew it by reporting about it. Kim wrote that she didn’t know about this, doesn’t approve of the concept at all and that she would be happy with just a cupcake and a donation for the homeless. This is the same woman who wears fur to a jamba juice run once blew more than $100k in purses at Hermes in one stop, and thinks there’s nothing worse in this world than foundation that isn’t orange enough. Radar points out that the event was scheduled well ahead of time with Kim’s name attached and that she’s conveniently forgetting about her paid appearance. Here’s more.

From Kim’s Blog: “I’m seeing some ridiculous stories today about a million-dollar birthday cake being made for my “birthday party.” First of all, this is the first I’ve heard about this, and I would never allow anyone to spend that much money on a cake. Making a million dollar birthday cake is just ridiculous! I’d rather they give me a cupcake and donate the rest of the money to the homeless!

Secondly, I’ve already had my birthday club celebrations at Tao in Vegas and NYC and there are NO other birthday parties this weekend. Tonight I’ll be having a private celebration with my friends and family, and then the birthday celebrations will be over. I’m sorry if you guys have been misled by anyone claiming they are hosting my official birthday party. That’s just not true.”

From Radar: Well Kim, Glo was/is expecting more than 2,000 guests for your party and sources connected to the situation say you agreed to make a paid appearance and there’s no doubt that they’ve been advertising it for weeks!

As for the million-dollar diamond-encrusted cake? Well that was supposed to be a surprise and apparently reported before anyone told you! The proof? Read the press release for the event here. spoke exclusively to Danielle Orsino, who handles public relations for GLO, and she said that a media outlet “called Kim and said ‘you’re really spending a million dollars on a cake?

“The restaurateur and jeweler wanted to break the record for the most expensive cake and they wanted to surprise Kim

“They’ve been working so hard on it and still want to preset[sic] it to the public, of course they won’t force her to accept it, it was just meant to be a fun surprise.

“The jeweler is going to encrust the cake with loose diamonds worth over a million dollars,” Orsino told

“Their goal is to break the record for the most expensive cake ever made which was 1.65 million dollars.”

[From Radar Online]

I can buy that Kim was scheduled to attend this event but never approved of it as a “birthday party” per se. She probably has so many events to attend that it’s hard for her to keep track of them all. So is she going to show up now and pose with the million dollar cake? Will the cake even be made? She should be grateful for all this additional publicity, although she’s certainly not lacking for it lately.

I still have a lot of questions about how this cake is going to be consumed. Are the backers/bakers going to ask the guests to turn in their plates after eating? With that crowd it’s going to be difficult to collect. You know that all the guests will be trying to stick those things in the little plastic baggies they just happen to have in their purses, for “gum.” What’s more, is Kim’s rumored hookup/”friend” Kanye West going to turn up? Will he get diamonds stuck in his diamonds?

Kim Kardashian is shown out in NY last night. Credit: Diane Cohen/Fame Pictures



