Angela Bassett on her skincare: as you get older, your skin turns over a lot slower

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I get this insert in my weekly local paper called Spry Living, which is just a different version of Parade, and Angela Bassett is on the cover this month. I enjoyed this interview, but I found that some of these are talking points she’s mentioned in other interviews. She’s said some of this stuff before, particularly about how she’s into “potions and lotions” and likes to have a fresh face without makeup. Last year she admitted to having a little Botox just twice and I believe her. As I wrote at the time I would love to have whatever she’s having! I wish she would name products she uses although I suspect they’re out of my price range. In Parade she also talked about her exercise philosophy and regimen, and her approach to life. I wanted to talk about this because she’s goals in so many ways. Angela is 62! She’s promoting her voice role in Soul, which is coming to Disney + on Christmas.

On her exercise routine
My body thrives on not sitting still. However, I can’t say that I love to go and exercise. It’s still an effort, especially with extraordinarily long, 16- to 17-hour days. And I’m not one to get up at 3 a.m. to get a workout in. But I think it’s so important to give your body that movement, so I try to be as conscientious as possible.

What are some ways you like to get a workout in?
I like to work out with TRX bands (suspension trainers that use body weight to strengthen). I’ll also do squat jumps and back lunges or side lunges, as well as pushups. You’re using the straps and your own body weight, so it is a wonderful thing. I also do a little HIIT (high intensity interval training). I have an elliptical, and I’ll warm up for five minutes. I’ll go as fast as I can for a minute, then slow it down for two minutes and recover, then another minute and slow it down. I’ll do that for about 20–30 minutes. Usually by 20, I’m feeling good, and I can go another 10. I tell myself, “You can do anything for a minute can’t you? Come on! You’re a Black woman! You can do it!” It’s sort of like a mental game for me. By the end, you’re sweating, your heart rate is up.

You’ve talked about how much your mother has influenced your focus on health. How did she set you up for a lifetime of healthy skin?
My mother taught me about the importance of skincare. I had a lot of teenage acne, and she would take me to the dermatologist. That’s something that I’ve kept up; it’s about keeping the skin clean and letting a professional clean it out from time to time. I’m always trying to reveal a fresh complexion. I’m a potions and lotions girl. This morning, I did an enzyme peel with the hopes of sloughing off dead, dry skin because as you get older, your skin turns over a lot slower than in your youth. I will also use glycolic peels.

I also don’t wear makeup if I’m not working. And I see my aestheticians when I can, if it’s once a month or every two months, just to keep the pores clean.

[From Parade Online]

It’s true that skincare makes such a big difference, especially as you age. I only started getting into more advanced skincare a couple of years ago and my skin is so much clearer and less wrinkled now. Retinol and serums have really transformed my skin, and I don’t have an enzyme peel mask like she mentioned, but I have a glycolic acid mask which is similar.

I like her HIIT workout approach and how she admits it’s not her favorite thing. I am lucky that I don’t have that problem and usually really like to exercise, especially if I’m doing dance fitness. (See this post.) While I prefer pure cardio, the HIIT workouts are some of the hardest. I did a 20 minute one a couple of weeks ago that left me really sore for a couple of days afterwards. You need those weight-bearing exercises to build muscle and this is motivation for me to keep doing those. Plus it sounds like she works out less than an hour a day. If she does that and gets those results, it’s worth keeping up.

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