Jennifer Garner explains how they ended up getting a stroller for their cat

Jennifer Garner goes for a walk with her kids and the family pets
Jennifer Garner did an interview with Ellen and while it wasn’t clear what she was promoting, she did help raise money for Save the Children. I came away from it liking her more. She can be performative when she’s live on traditional talk shows, which is completely understandable, celebrities need to be “on,” but she was natural and funny in this interview. She explained that she’s having her kids clean their house every Sunday, and she also told the story of how they ended up ordering a stroller for their cat. So many of you have noticed and mentioned that! Ellen and Jennifer played a scavenger hunt game where she had to find items around her house, and that was fun too.

On how she’s doing in lockdown
It’s been great, we’ve had our moments of course, but I think they really get the call to action of staying put and working hard to keep your chins up. They’re cleaning the house and helping out. Every Sunday we [clean] the whole house. I finally let my son clean his own bathroom, he’s 8. I walked in after and the whole bathtub was gray. He had put so much cleaner in it and then just filled it with water and emptied the water out. It took me 20 minutes of scrubbing.

On stroller cat
One of my kids was not into going for walks and we just had to get out of the house. I said ‘what can we do, we have to just commit to going to walks.’ She said ‘I want to take the cat.’ So we ordered a cat stroller. I blame Jessica Seinfeld because she’s a cat lady and all of a sudden I have a cat stroller and I have a cat and I take it for walks. It has a leash.

“Does you cat enjoy the stroller? It looks [confused]”
I think it’s happy to go out and about. It’s very titillated by the whole adventure. It’s into it.

[From The Ellen Show on YouTube]

In the Gossip with Celebitchy podcast #53 we talk about stroller cat! (That’s at minute 34, here’s a link right to that section.) I picked a comment about stroller cat as one of our comments of the week. Chandra/Kaiser said that it was thirsty of Jen to take the cat out in a stroller, and she’s definitely thirsty (I said it’s a mom thirst for Tang or Capri Sun), but as a solution to getting her kid to go out with her it’s not as bad. Notice how Jen never says the name of any of her kids or even of her cat in this interview. She knows what she’s doing. She also killed two birds by buying a stroller for their cat because it makes for cute photo ops and interview stories.

My mom’s friend has an adorably sleek male cat which she brings with her traveling. I’d never seen a cat on a leash before that and was kind of fascinated by it. He was very much cat-like in that you couldn’t predict where he would go, but he also seemed ok with being on the leash. It was more a tolerance of it than an enthusiasm.

Also, Garner has been a good ally. Check her Instagram. She’s not like Kristen Bell talking out of both sides of her mouth, although that bar is so low. As a sidenote she really should put that cat on her Instagram.

Here’s that interview and the other part is here.



photos credit: Backgrid
